
Delivering Advanced Healthcare Solutions Through Research And Innovation To Improve The Quality Of Human Life

Medical Devices

5 significant signs of heart attack in women

December 25, 2020

5 significant signs of heart attack in women

A heart attack is a major cardiovascular disorder, that happens slowly over time. The deteriorating conditions of the heart that when untreated, may lead to a heart attack. Besides being painful and expensive to treat, heart attacks can be lethal too. The literature says that the prevalence of Heart attack has increased in midlife (35 to 54 years) women, which declined in similarly aged men. However, they can manifest in much worse situations in women than in men, according to the Indian Heart Association (IHA).

Medical Devices

The 3 Most common types of Fistula

December 09, 2020

The 3 Most common types of Fistula

Fistulotomy is one of the most commonly used surgical procedures to treat fistulas. What are fistulas, you may ask. Well, sometimes, two organs of your body may form a connection that could lead to growth of pockets of abscess. This growth is abnormal and is called a fistula. Fistulas can occur in any part of the body.

Medical Devices

Anal fistula - Symptoms & Treatment

December 09, 2020

Anal fistula Symptoms & Treatment

A fistula is an abnormal connection between any two organs, blood vessels or tissues. A fistula could be formed from an abscess, i.e. a pocket of pus in the body. The abscess could continuously be filling with body fluids like urine or stool, which prevents healing. It eventually breaks through to the skin, another organ or body cavity, and creates a fistula.


Founded in 2006, Meril is an India-based global medical device company that is dedicated to the innovation, design and development of novel, clinically relevant and state-of-the-art devices
