Delivering Advanced Healthcare Solutions Through Research And Innovation To Improve The Quality Of Human Life
Medical Devices
Open Vs Laparoscopic Surgery: Which is the Best Procedure
October 26, 2020

A surgery is a major life event that will alter your future for the good. But there are prices to pay for all the good things. Pain is just one of them. So while deciding on what kind of surgery you want, keep in mind that your recovery and healing time depends on it. Today, most surgeons prefer a laparoscopic surgery as it is more advanced and quick. The healing time, too, is small. It works well for patients as small incisions mean lesser pain and quicker recovery. Laparoscopy surgery is also friendly to the pocket, so you may want to consider that while making your decision. It is a common misconception that laparoscopy surgery is expensive.
Medical Devices
Types of Internal Fixations
October 26, 2020

While internal and external fixations are both common to help repair damaged bones, doctors choose the procedure depending on how seriously bones are damaged. As compared to external fixations, internal fixations are more advantageous as they allow earlier mobilisation and involve less complicated casting. It also reduces the need to stay hospitalised for a longer duration, while enabling patients to return to their former routine more speedily. Internal fixations also reduce the chances of non-union or improper healing of broken bones as well as mal-union, i.e. healing in improper positions. Despite the advancement of medical procedures involving bone repairs, orthopaedic surgeons across the world are continuing their research to develop new and improved methods of treating fractures.
Medical Devices
Why should you go for knee replacement surgery
October 23, 2020

In this age, given our lifestyle choices, knee replacement surgeries have become almost essential. Knee pain is no longer affecting the elderly alone as many are experiencing knee pain at a young age. Knee replacement surgeries help patients with chronic knee injury enjoy life, without having to compromise on knee movement. If you’ve undergone a knee replacement, get the right regimen for total knee replacement exercises and be on your way to a faster recovery.